Monday, May 26, 2008

brown paper packages tied with a bow..

Saturday morning was perhaps one of the best. Not sure about anyone else, but there isn't anything quite like the feeling you get in the instant you've discovered there is a package waiting for you. what is it about the unknowing of what's inside that box that excites me so? either way, Saturday morning there were 3 packages (yes! triple excitement!) waiting for me at the post office and among them was the cutest little box wrapped all up in nice paper with the magical touch of my new insta-BFF, the snail and the cyclops aka effie. Miss thing is not only like the nicest person evs, but you know if you have a package with her name on it, whatever it contains inside is going to be, like, everything you ever wanted. Right? Well, you can only imagine that upon opening it, my dreams came true. She sent me the cutest, most perfect vintage dress (of course, in pristine condition) and this little clip she found at a flea market whose little box was equally as adorable, with a really nice hand-written note that made me melt into a puddle. Everything that girl touches is magic. I sound really gushy and almost like i'm talking about a guy I have a crush on or something...but this is so much better because instead of an awkward makeout and a non-phonecall..i actually get to keep these amazing things. SO much better. Thanks so much Effie!


Francesca said...

yo girl, as if I didn't already leave you like 3304983208 zillion comments on your blog tonight - I am really, really happy you got the package and that you like the dress! The little box was my favorite part - I hope you weren't grossed out by the weird cotton thing that came inside, I couldn't take it out though - the two are one! and to be honest, I was a little nervous to see what might be underneath (dead bugs? but maybe you'll find some monies, so be brave for me and check!)

but, I'm really happy that you wore that dress on your first day at the brooklyn flea! and I'll totes see you next time you're there!!! yayayayayayayay!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow i love that dress. and that clip is absolutely gorgeous.. have such a huge obsession with vintage clips like that.. so pretty! - xx

La Fille en Rose said...

love the little rhinestone barrette...i've been looking for one just like it for ages!